Num Nums – Baby’s Intro to Solid Food

Six months ago today, my husband and I welcomed the greatest joy of our lives into our world. For a while, I doubted that we would ever be given that opportunity. But, here we are!

Today is bittersweet. While we get to celebrate our son’s half birthday; we also say a temporary goodbye to my in-laws. This evening, they will be boarding a plane to move across the world as missionaries where they will be taking in teenage orphans. I should be happy for them; however, the selfish side of me wishes my husband’s dad and Anderson’s Mamaw and Papaw would be around for the important events in our lives. I know there is a much bigger plan in all of this though.

IMG_2214Last night, we had them over for a farewell dinner and I thought it would be a great opportunity to celebrate Anderson’s half birthday with his second attempt first solid food. We had tried rice cereal a few months ago but put a hold on that after Anderson had digestive issues.. I have been so excited and anxious to be able to make his baby food! So yesterday I bought a couple of sweet potatoes, threw them in a pot to steam and puréed them with some b-milk with our new Ninja toy. I froze some for future use and used the rest to form a mini-birthday cake.20140806-173242-63162905.jpg

At first, I thought he hated them for sure… But after thinning them out with some more milk, he started to come around. Eventually, covered in sweet potatoes, he started grabbing for the spoon and becoming impatient for more.

I’ve decided that they were a success! We will be repeating the sweet potatoes a few more days and then we are going to try out avocado.

For those of you who have made your own baby food, what has been your child’s favorite foods?



4 thoughts on “Num Nums – Baby’s Intro to Solid Food

    1. Thanks! It has been going much better… It turns out that he didn’t have the milk allergy at all. I was having an over supply problem (self diagnosed). But I changed a few things and his issues disappeared! Yay

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